Thursday, February 08, 2007
BOOOOOO! aren't you surprised???
bloggie has come alive after a looooooong period of hibernation... hahah yea man... winter is over and spring is here!
oh man... so crap...haha
Anyways... i've decided to make a special appearance here before i get so lazy dissapear forever..haha and i;ve been wanting to blog since like begining of school. haha lots of inertia.haha :P
Okies so basically school has started for like a month already and yeap jus getting used to having school again..=] yay. hahha so much stuff went on in the hols hat it didnt seem like had actually started.. but well... time to hit the books again!! feel like i've lost a substantial bit of my mugging powers... haha but I WILL GET THEM BACK!!!! mwhahhahaha...MUGGER SHIM WILL BE BACK! i'll neeeeed to lar. hahah but it's not like schools bad but haha slacking is always a more prefered choice for lazy people like me...haha.but i'll mug when i need to ok! hahah i'm lazy mugger shim. HAHAH... such an oxymoron.nvm...haha
Okies.. so... ahem... maybe i'll jus roughly update abit about everything.. ahha too much to update!! okies, since i'm a mugger, i shall start a mugger's favorite place---the school...
hmm.. for this semester i'm taking physiology, pharmacy practice and biochemistry as my core modules and a geo module(terrestrial and coastal environment --which cost me 300 plus bid pts) and a science GEM module(colours and vision)... which means... no more anatomy for me... and no more cadevas..:S frankly speaking i quite miss anatomy and anatomy practicals... not because i;m morbid or anything.. but cause it's really quite fun to see the real stuff that you've been reading and hearing about for the past ten years or so... and will most likely never see it for yourself elsewhere. haha so byebye cadevas... but for pharmacy practice , we get to do cool stuff!!! ahhaha like make your own tablets and powders and mixtures and stuff....

my pweetty capsules... ahah anw they're precious k!!! every little one meticulously filled by yours truely manually... haha and considering i;m someone with sweaty palms... the capsule shell will just melt in my hands la... and i'll have to weargloves... which makes it diff to fill...haha
btw the white ones are acetylsalicilic acid and caffeine capsules aka paracetamol or panadol and the black ones are carbon capsules( remember the black carbon pills u eat when u have diarrhoea? yup... they belong to the same family... jus in a different packaging.)

the black and white...
haha it's fun... but bad to have a time limit...hehe. and we get to print labels ourselves! =]which means labels tt can showcase our creativity can also be printed...haha as shown below... too bad the pic's blur...hehe bad photography skills..

a special label
hmm....what else is there to update? hahahha um... suddenly cant tink of anything now.. :S shall update next time...haha
tying rode the Shrimp Boat.
11:25 PM