it's a trip by campus crusades for christ and we're going there for a conference thingy, CM2007 and also sth called beggar's mission for the last 3 days..
so yup.. wont be online for quite awhile.. hehe
tying rode the Shrimp Boat.
2:01 PM
Friday, June 08, 2007
hello hello hello...
sth i blogged on the clas blog and copied here.. hehe
on tues we tried to come up with a small get together and tried to get as many people as possible but hehe cause it was a short notice , and a weekday, only kel li, jman, josh, ziyan, wenting, sok and i could make it..hehe.. but fret not!! they promise there will be a more proper one coming up soon!! as soon else everyone is safely back in our little sunny island after all the trips. haha.
btw sok took a half day leave ! yay! :) sok rocks. haha
so we met up at city hall and had lunch at soup spoon! yum yum.. but i reallise sth.. all their tomato-ish minestrone all taste almost the same but all are nice! :)
then we went to walk around, shop and look at silly stuff.. sok and ziyan wanted to buy swimsuit for their taiwan hotsprings..then we went to the ever so amusing action city to cjeck out the silly stuff they've got. and guess wat? other than the usual solar powered head nodding smiley lil guy they have... they have new miniature version that bobs it's head up and down when triggered by a voice sensor if i didnt get it wrong.. not sure what makes it move..hehe. oh and they've got the fascinating personal ATM machine with the ATM card..haha how cute!! and of course, there's the tons of soft toys -- animals in weird but cute proportions and foodstuff. haha.
then, kel li left for sch.
Had our dinner at marina sq foodcourt and then sok left
for her korean class ( i'm so envious.. i wanna learn too!)
and aft tt we walked to the esplanade and later strolled akong the river to see the merlion.. and haha sounds so tourisy.and guess wat? since everyone there is taking photos with the merlion squirting water ( ok, a weird way of putting it but well can't really tink of an apt way of putting it), we decided that we should do the same! and here's our pretty picture.. haha

the sky at sun set or rather, the evening.. haha pretty?

the famous merlion!
the half fish half lion water -spitting thingy... haha

the first attempt to for self take photo with the merlion...
by mr jman..
everyone's in!! yay! but the merlion's cut off! boo :(

attempt #2!
sadly the photographer (yours truly) has short arms and bad skills of agar-ation and aiming... BOO! :( :(

the final shot!
we gave up.. it's easier to get someone to
take for us..
it's funny.. this time it's a TOURIST taking a photo for the LOCALS. haha
btw i nv noticed there's a baby merlion beside it hehe...oops..
spent quite awhile sitting by the river, chatting/chilling/nuah-ing away.. and finally decided tt we shd go home.. haha yay!! so happy.. felt like i have met up with anyone frm 78 for ages. haha.
so tt's all folks..
ps: i realised sth... the person who holds the photo will need to post and blog abt it. rarh. i dun wanna use my phone to take pic next time..hehe (i'm lazy :P)
tying rode the Shrimp Boat.
2:23 AM