learning to give thanks in all circumstances.. :)
to watch it from youtube. haha.. sorry for the lousy layout. ha
tying rode the Shrimp Boat.
1:53 AM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
anyoung haseyo!
okies i'm back!:) actually i was back on tueday but hehe been procrastinating again but i finally got myself to start blogging about the trip.. heh
the flight to seoul, incheon airport took about 6 or 7 hours and later on we took a domestic flight to busan, where all the action began. haha. but b4 that at incheon airport we saw for ourselves how laughter can be contagious. we met an interesting uncle at the airport while collecting luggage. He had a rather entertaining laughter that sounded um... quite fake. it wounded as tho he was just reading out loud " HA-HA-HA' and this interesting laughter that he had was accompanied by swinging of both his arms. so.. we got quite facinated at his laughter and started laughing too. and he got amused by the fact thatwe're facinated by his laughter and continued to laugh. and so we laughed again. weird. but funny. well, at least we're all happy :) ha-ha-ha.
CM2007 was held at bexco, busan.. which is a larger version of our sg expo :) in this place, we met lots of new friends form all over the world!! it's really a blessing to be able to worship with 20000 people from all over the world and it's just like having a little taste of heaven. We may be living in different parts of the world, with different languages or cultures, we're worshiping the same God using our own ways, in different languages. It's amazing!!

the place where everything was held :)
really huge! so huge that it housed 20000 ple

a bar near haeundae-gu beach..
cool huh? kettles as lampshades..

a thorn among the roses..
haha more like a poor korean guy bullied by 5 sg girls..
it was really nice of him to let us draw on his shirt..

teddy and the traditional rice drink.. YUMS :D

having lots of fun being 'chased' by the waves at the haeundae-gu beach!
pic taken by grace..

more new friends!! :)

minhuey, me and alehjander(from mexico!!)
(oops i forgot how to spell)

minhuey,grace and i! in a carriage of the subway in korea... haha
everything in there jus reminds me of 'My Sassy Girl' hahaha

more munching...
through the whole conference we were basically pigging out on ice cream, puddings, and of course on the yummy traditional korean food too! the above picture shows one of the traditional foods... it's sth like sausages but instead of meat, it's stuffed with noodles and you eat it with onions and of course the all time favorite, gok ju jung(red pepper sauce)ums.. i forgot how to spell tt.. heh


on the first day, at dinner..
a picture with our first friendwe meet in korea,Joy :)

more friends!!

and guess wat? there are so many ple that you can even make friends while queuing up for anything.. haha like how cool is that!!!

grace , eoun young and me.. and guys from her uni..

lunching with more new friends! the guy in yellow actually MAJORS in TAEKWONDO!! wow..cool... i never knew you can have taekwondo as a major!..ahah

the korean map song guys..
haha really very spontaneous and entertaining people..
Through the conference , we made many new friends, especially so with min huey's kyo ja peanuts..haha and thru the conference i learnt alot from the seminars and the plenary speakers. about completing the mission, connected movements and christ magnified. Indeed, we want to magnify christ and be a fireseed in our own areas! feel so priviledged to be there! and another thing that touched me is that the korean ccc students and churches even went to the prayer mountain to pray for us and even go to the extent of goign on gameshows to raise funds for the conference and tocover our accomodations and food expenses. WOW. that is the extent they go for their fellow bro and sis in christ. :) love love!
And after the 6 days of conference.. it was time for the even more exciting part of the journey. We all agreed it's the time where we put the theory we learnt for the past few days into practice. :) it's beggars' mission time!! and as for me, i did rural mission at a small village ( hum ble li) in cheong ju, where i experienced and learnt more than i did in the past 6 days. :)
On the first day, when we reached in evening, we did a prayer walk around the area. For the first time after a long while, i felt like i was really talking to God, like i was really telling Him the concerns i have for the village and also our teams and really putting everything in His hands to let Him work in His time.
on the 2nd day, we went to do some work for the villagers! :) some of us went to the village centre to help washing up while others helped to pluck weeds at hal mo ni's farm. ( hal mo ni=grandmother) and she's really a very nice person who doted on us ALOT.

God's first provision of the day thru hal mo ni..
delicious icecream as breakfast..

shim the pharmer.. farming. :)
through farming, afew lessons were learnt.
in the bible, plants and weeds were used as parables. as we plucked weeds, we learnt that..certain weeds may look very small and harmless, but they do have long roots that grow deep into the soil. and if we dont pluck it out, it'll continue to grow and impede the plant's growth. similarly, we need to constantly weed our lives, to remove anything that hinders us from magnifying christ. and another thing is that, tho some of the weeds look big and nice on the outside, their roots can be very shallow or might have even rotted away. In the same way, as christians, we must be alert to constantly check ourselves to see if our roots are deep enough or if it's healthy, to support our growth. we need to get the nourishment and support from Him through His word and prayer. and also, to keep ourselves incheck , to see if we're putting on a false front..appear to be alive and well on the outside,actively serving, but actually empty deep within.

hal mo ni's very very cute doggie... we named him ...
BECKHAM.. ahha or pae kum.. whichever's fine.. ahah

lunch at hal mo ni's house! what a sumptous lunch.. prepared by hal mo ni!
oh and she cooked topoki too! yumyum! i love topoki!

yong ik and hal mo ni! :) i miss her so much..
hal mo ni came at night to give us ice cream again! and thats when we grasped the chance to share the 4 sl.. and she accepted christ! :)
later on, we went to do street evangelism. :) what amazes me is that we were actually able to do that in korea, where the koreans can barely understand us. the power of the holy spirit overcomes all obstacles, including communication barrier.It's not about how we say it or how good we are... coz it's the holy spirit working in the people's hearts and only He can change man's hearts and turn them to Him. not our words. not us. we are His humble messengers to deliver the good news :) and we dont need to be afraid too. it's not about how good we are but how willing we are to do it.

the sanctuary at hindol kyo hae( white stone church)
similar to what we have here..

on the last day of bm.. leaving for cheongju ccc HQ.

my long lost twin!! guang yom has the same birthday as me!!
same day/month/yr.

at a street market in cheong ju :)
i'm touched by the generous hospitality that the koreans have( be it the church or the uni students in my team) and how warm and sincere they are :) sa rang hae! and i'm encouraged by the passion they have for prayer. like waking up at wee hrs ( 5 am) to pray. WOW.
and so i ended my trip to korea with lots of nice memories,lots of lesson learnt and ALOT of His grace :) i miss korea and the people!!
anyoung hee ke seyo!
tying rode the Shrimp Boat.
2:03 PM